Project realized during the second semester of the M1 Informatique et Mobilité at the University of Haute-Alsace.
The subject was to realize a website corresponding to Moodle (a french website used in different universities).
There are 3 different roles within the application:
- The administrator: Can manipulate all the data and take care of all the security part,
- The teacher: Can add students, create classes and associate students from different classes with them, create exams, modify them and grade the students associated with these exams with ratings while adding comments...
- The student: Can see all his grades and can compare himself with the other students of his promotion.
The project was developed under native PHP with Bootstrap. The whole project is hosted via Docker.
Project done in collaboration with :
I personally took care of the part concerning everything that was creation / modification and grading of exams as well as the student part allowing to compare his grades. I also took care of the whole graphic part and creation of logos.
Technical environment
- JavaScript
- MariaDB
- Docker
- Visual Studio 2019